Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Extended essay


The Cuban Missile Crisis - October 1962
Soviet field commanders in Cuba were authorized to use tactical nuclear weapons if invaded by the U.S. The whole event was in the hands of R.F Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
Us - Soviet Relations.
After a summit for the Berlin situation Khrushchev left thinking Kennedy was a weak president. Every superpower kept increasing their military power and the U.S.S.R felt threatened by the U.S. The U.S had nuclear weapons in Turkey which was close to the U.S.S.R. This tension between the two nation would inevitably lead to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Premier Fidel Castro was aware that the U.S government wanted to oust him of his position. During several events they tried, subsequently Castro became friend with Khrushchev who promised protection. The US cut off all businesses with Cuba. The soviet rushed to aid Castro and these factors lead to the placement of soviet  missiles in Cuba.
The crisis begins
It began when a pilot discovered soviet nuclear missiles (Check out the Recon Roomhttp://library.thinkquest.org/11046/recon/recon_room.html which provides an in depth look at recon during the crisis.)
Kennedy was informed the morning the day after and assembled his 12 most important advisers the EX-COMM. Most of them supported air strike but they werent aware of Khrushchev, knowing communications with Moscow and Cuba was unreliable and that he had advised soviet field commanders to used tactical nuclear weapons if the U.S was to attack.