Wednesday 30 November 2011


Viral Advertisment site
Pepsi: reminder it reminds us of a brand already out there.
Desire advert because everyone wants it and it looks tasty, hence desirable
A - famous singers and a famous song drags your attention
I - cheerful screams, famous singers a nd songs and revealing outfits
D -
A -
Propaganda tools:
transference - because they are really famous and they drrink pepsi
Exaggeration - all the people starts to sing with
Repetition - lyrics are repetitive

Rhetorical devices
colour: pepsi hae vey bright colours which stick out.
Perspective: you're one in the audience.


The toyota advert uses colour theory to drag the attention to itd main purpose. The advert wants you to look at "aim" which the cars main attribute is and what will make you buy it. Since the environment is a big matter Toyota adverts cars whic are more friendly towards the environment. They 'aim' to release "zero emission" and the colour red is a strong color which drags your attention to the purpose of the advertisement. Toyota is environmental friendly and they show it wit strong colours.

I think that is about the right spot. The rule of three has four important areas and the toyota advert uses parts of those areas. The Toyota advert uses the rule of three where they have put vital parts right at the intersection. The 'aim' is right at one of the four intersections and 'zero emission' in the middle of it. It is the first that you look at and with other rhetorical devices such as colour it is strongly brought out to its audience what the purpose is. Aim towards zero emission with Toyota.

As long as they see the brand. Toyota uses hierarchy to get to the audience with the most important things first. The font is used as a hierarchy to bring forward what they need to see and then what is not as important. "Aim:zero emission" is written with a big font for the audience to see as well as Toyota. "zero emission" is enough for someone to understand that the advert has something to do with less emission, the environment. When you relate that with Toyota you know that it is about cars and it is easy and fast for the audience to see what it is about even though they only see it for a few seconds. Hierarchy prioritized the two most important aspects and showed them explicitly. Toyotas ad can be understood under a glimpse of an eye

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Colour theory theory
Oh so colourful. The colour theory is a rhetorical device. The colour theory is used to drag its attention to a specific word or symbol and to emphasize a meaning or message. The colour red have different meanings to different people but in most cases it is well known. Warnings signs or police sirens is a well known sign of danger or right and wrong. Colour theory is used to persuade the viewer to believe it is of greater importance or just emphasize its importance.

Now We can see it from up here. The perspective of a viewer is when you look from a special point of view. The rhetorical device perspective is used to convey its viewer to see a matter or problem from a different view. If you write about the problems that will come in the future and that they will affect you it will give you a new perspective of a matter. The rhetorical device perspective persuades you in new belief or deceives you in thinking of something you never thought of before and give you a new perspective of the problem. Perspective is a strong weapon in terms of advertising since it can change your interpretation.

This one is black and that is white. The rhetoricL contrast device is the opposite of two things which makes them look stronger. The contrast rhetorical device is used to make one of two opposing ideas to emphasize it and make one look stronger. The environment was once beautiful and in the future it will b sad and ugly. Trees will die, unlike once there were forrest almost everywhere. This would remind people how it used to be and that it was nicer back then. If I had a picture of the past and the present the past would look nicer than if it was alone. Contrasting enhances the meaning of an idea.
Hierarchy is a listing method which is a structure were importance go from top to bottom. The rhetorical hierarchy device is used to list importance of the matters and the first the viewer will see is the most important. When something have a big font and then smaller fonts the bigger font is perceived as more important. This is used to make the viewer look at most important thing first.the rhetorical hierarchy device is used to display so the first thing its viewer see is the one of greatest importance.

Rule of thirds
Rule of thirds is the breaking up an image into three parts. The rules of three is the three blocks intersections where the viewers focus and look at the first. Research show that in msn cases your eyes focus on parts of images differently. By putting the most important item in where the rules of three counts the message will be brought through better.

Monday 28 November 2011

Toyota ad

It is a reminding advert because it reminds its demography of the zero emission carS which toyota sells.
Exaggerated colors and language
Repeats the word hybrid.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Air France ad

A - attract Attention

I - develop Interest

D - develop Desire

A - move to Action

Attention - the red path of flowers drag your attention to the plane
Interest - The VIP treatment
Desire - exceptional service, attentive service - listing and repetition.
The text speaks to the headline

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Analyzed advert

Reminder because It is an establishment of Way of doing something
Exaggeration, sheepskin does not have that much wool. It is making you believe that you.can get more out of your resources
Persuasive language; more, most, capabilities, Grow your productivities without growing costs

Wednesday 16 November 2011


TV ads
Cool it with a fanta. Fanta reliefs you from your thirst and the fire in your throath. This ad is made to mae you desire the product. It is hot outside, your throath is dry and you are ´dying´ of thirst. Fanta cools you down on a hot day and when you are thirsty. Fanta is what you want on a hot dry day.

Angels will fall. So strong that even the most beutiful angels will fall for you. The spray deoderant is desirable to its audience. They fall from the sky and removes their halo to be with you. The spray deoderant is what attracts the most beutiful ladies and they will go a long way to get to you. You want to please your surroundings with bodyspray and if you use Lynx even the angels would want to be around you.

They will die anyway, why save them? It is scary for the audience to see the animals families and homes die. This ad is clearly scaring its audience to feel pity and remorse. Their family is dead, their home is dying and they do not see a reason to live without it. Without family and home you would be alone and miseable. This ad scares you by making you feel pity to the animals and if you were in their situation you would probably dothe same. The fear of the ad to become reality makes you want to help change.

Even aliens wants it. Aliens want specsaver glasses and they come all the way to earth to find it. This ad is making you desire the glasses because they are so desirable. Aliens come to earth and make a sign saying "Should've gone to specsavers." It indicates that the glasses from specsavers are wanted, even by aliens. They go a long way just for these glasses, you can get them right here for a good prize.

They are like copy cats. When you do something your children thinks its ok and that it is the right thing to do. This ad tells you using fear that all the bad stuff you do, they will probably do as well. If you smoke, drink, or do anything rude. It is all reflected in your chidren, the way they see the world, think about what is right or wrong. They will copy you and it will most likely end up being that they get used to it and it will screw them up later in life. It is scary how much effect you have on your children.

Paper Adverts

Struck by fear. The adverts scares its audience with statements and questions. This advert tries to frighten the viewer so they will cut down on the alcohol. The ad says you recycle a lot and it is a picture of a box with beer bottles. In other words it states that you drink too much and then asks the question "how much is too much?". This ad strikes you with fear to make you realize your problem or find out more about it and how to stop it.

You can be one of them, it is your choice. You have the choice to live longer or die younger. You desire to live and you fear death this ad uses both fear and desire. Tobacco can shorten your life drastically and you have the option to take the risk or to not take the risk. One day without tobacco, one day to see if you can be one of the long livers. Participate in the Tobacco free day and it may alter your thoughts about life.

Kill or save, you can make a change. Our planet is dying and so are the animals. It frightens you how your small actions can cause major suffering throughout the world. Polar bears are dying because of Global warming and you can help stop it. It is frightening that you can help to stop it and that if you do not you are a part of making it worse. It is a dilemma, live your life in peace while other suffer or participate and make a change with a little bit of change in your daily routines.

I can earn money from recycling? When you recycle you earn a small amount of money based on its volume. This ad is desire. You can either have a useless empty plastic bottle or you can have useful money to maybe buy a new bottle later. By recycling you gain money and it is something very desirable compared to a useless bottle. Help the world and at the same time you receive some cash.