Wednesday 14 December 2011

Always ready. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru. This ad is a reminder ad for the car company Subaru. This ad follows the A.I.D.A setup. In this essay it will explained how the ad used the four rules of advertisement, attract, develop interest, develop desire, and move to action.

Building the future. This ad is a reminder ad for the concrete company Cemex. This ad follows the A.I.D.A setup. In this ad it will be explained how the ad attracted, developed interest, developed desire and moved the viewer to action.

Monday 12 December 2011

Reflection on credit Suisse essay

My analaysis skills are not the best. I need to improve my skills to be able to analyze other advertisements in the future better. My introduction is not very good and I still need to imrpove my body paragraphs. I will do so by doing the two introductions Holmes assigned to me.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's time to fly. The United ad is a reminder ad for an airline company called United. The ad has a slogan and a logo so people can recognize the company easily. In this essay it will be explained how the ad uses rhetorical devices to attract and develop the viewers interest. It will also be described how A.I.D.A. is used to develop desire towards the company's services.

Paragraph 1
What attracts attention:
The art of the ad, placement (rule of thirds) (toy plane: how simple, easy and convenient it is to fly with United), color theory
Paragraph 2
What develops interest:
Middle text
Color theory, Rhetorical question, size of the font
Paragraph 3
What develops desire:
Long text, Relate to the audience, Reward, repetition of places in the world (emphasizes that it goes everywhere often.)
Paragraph 4
What moves the ad to action:
This ad first attracts your attention with the artwork and colors. It then moves on to make you interested with the big text. Color theory and contrast to make the the sentence stand out. It rhetorically asks you a question to think what they want youth think. You are interested and it moves onto

homework for wed.

Introduction, conclusion in paragraph form

4 body paragraphs in point form

Monday 5 December 2011


Go on. Be a tiger. The Accenture ad is a reminder ad and it advertises consulting. It has a logo and a slogan to make people recognize the company. In this essay it will be explained how the ad uses rhetorical devices: visual and literary. It will also describe how the ad uses A.I.D.A. to  make the viewer’s desire the service. 

Oh my god, it’s Tiger Woods. The ad has a celebrity in the ad and it attracts people’s attention. Tiger Woods is a pro golf player who is known all over the world and he attracts attention. If there was a normal person in the ad the ad would attract less attention and be less effective. If you know who he is and sees him in an ad you would probably stop and read about it. If it was a normal person you would probably not notice it or not care and just pass by. Celebrities are always in the center of the attention in their area so why not attract attention in ads.

Oh really, is that even possible? The ad offers an opportunity to become a high performer. It develops interests that you can become a high performer. It also features a celebrity, which make this ad a transference ad. People would want to be as successful as Tiger Woods and it even says “Go on. Be a tiger” which clearly indicates that they will assist you in becoming as successful as Tiger Woods.

“To see how we can help you defy the obstacle and become a high-performance business…” This is what develops desire and it is desirable because who would not want to defy its obstacles and become a high-performance business.  They tell you that you can pass all your obstacles and become high-performance. It is something any business would want, an obstacle free business. No more trouble and struggle. They tell you that they will help you avoid it and therefor it attracts desire.

High-performer, high-performer and high-performer. Repetition is used in this ad. The word ‘high’ is emphasized in this ad and is something that makes the viewer desire Accenture’s assistance. High-performer is something we all want to become at a certain degree, so if Accenture could give us High-performance, there is no good reason to say no in most cases. Help from Accenture and you will be sure to have high-performance since they used the word so much.

What, I can read more?! The website, of course, it is an essential tool to attract desire. With the website you can further read about the brand and the brand will be even more desirable than it was with only the ad. The website opens a new door for the viewer: old and new ads, more information on how to acquire their help, costs, time, etc. This enables you to expand your feelings about the whole company and it may/may not be even more desirable than it was before. The website can change the viewer’s perspective and opinion about the company a lot.

This is all I need. The website again is a tool to move to the next stage. The website is the source of all the contact information of the company. It tells you who to call and what the company will do. The website moves you to action and it is what drives the ad to

The ad starts out with attracting the viewer with a celebrity and also the placing of the celebrity is within the rule of third. The ad moves on to developing interest with what the product or idea can do and how it benefits you. In this ad it tells you that your business can become high-performance which attracts your interest. It makes you desire it with Mainly transference and repetition.