Tuesday 6 September 2011

Chocolate war essay

I read the book Chocolate war by Robert Cormier. Chocolate war is about students from a catholic boy school. The school is ruled by "The Vigils" which is a group of older students who hand out assignments or pranks to do in the school for the younger students. One of the main characters Jerry Renault is a freshman and is given the assignment to strike against the traditional chocolate sale. Jerry is supposed to refuse to sell chocolates for 10days and then start selling them. Jerry instinctively continues to refuse the sell even though he wants to sell. Jerry's choice leads to serious consequences inside and outside school. He defied "The Vigils" and was there for punished.

The chocolate war is a great book which relates to what could happen in real life. In schools all over the world there are problems with older students trying to control the school or rule over the younger students. It is a common issue which I think is interesting. It is a horrible book but still it makes you think about other people and their problems and their life’s. It is not only you out there; there are other people who have bigger problems than your bike getting stolen. It gives us a broader perspective of not only those among us but also outside our range of knowledge to see how other people live like.

The book is also good because it is written in a language at a quite low level which broadens the audience. It is not easy to understand the concept if you read the book but the concept of the book is easy to understand. This story can be simplified and explained easily so it is a perfect book for those who might not be new to English but not have it as a first language. That is why this is a good book because it was easy and simple which made it a perfect book for us second language speakers.

The book was bad in the matter that it was maybe a bit too horrible which can scare some people off. It can affect people or give people ideas of what they can do and how they can do it. It could create problems for other people in schools where they before did not have that kind of problem. A lot of people could misinterpret the book and may be thinking that the book is correct that you should do this and that.

The book overall is a fantastic book but something must always have a downside. It is good in the manners of how it is written and presented and a simple story made complicated. Everything can be misinterpreted but this topic especially can give other bullies or those who believe they could be bullies. Because they feel they are like Archie or any other character from the book would give a bad side of the book because they could repeat what they did or try to do something similar.

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