Monday 12 September 2011

Fanta and Coke paragraph

On a hot summer day, you want to be sure of the refreshment you are drinking.
Coca-cola is the world’s number one soft drink for a reason.
Coca-cola is my and most other people’s default drink.
Coke is perfect with pretty much any meal. Coke can be bought all around the world in every market.
It works to pretty much everything because it has a perfect amount of sugar which does not make it too sweet and does not make the food taste different because of the sugar. It has the perfect amount of ingredients which makes it work with almost everything. It is sold everywhere because it has become so popular that if a market does not have coca cola it is not a very good market. It would be a loss not to have coca cola because of the probable profit it would bring in to the market. Coke is the best drink for an everyday situation and can be used to most of the meal you eat everyday. It can also be bought almost everywhere which makes it not only good to almost every meal but also avalible to almost every meal.

Why would you settle for Coke when you can have a more amazing soft drink?
Fanta is more than just one of the most popular drinks in the world.
Fanta is way better than Coke.
The orange flavour makes it more refreshing. And you cannot find any website that says Fanta kills.
The orange flavor in fanta is a very popular natural flavor. Fanta is refreshing because of its naturalness and it keeps you fresh and active during the day. Unlike coca cola the Fanta does not have haters creating websites to stop fanta production. It is a safe product for you to use and fanta you do not have to be afraid to be seen with it in public. Naturally refreshing and keeps you active throughout the day. Fanta is a safe drink which you are safe to drink everwhere.

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