Tuesday 20 September 2011

Idiom story

Once upon a time there was a man with the name Albus. He was an everyday man but he worked at a circus wich made him stand out a little bit. One day he had a performance in a small city on the country side. The performance was bothering him so he just wanted to get over it and go to rest. His performance went down like a lead balloon and the whole crowd was angry. The circus manager gave Albus the slip and let him go of the circus. Albus had a few savings left and decided that he would go for broke in a casino the small town had. Albus went from rags to riches. Two days of being rich Albus meets up with his old circus crew. His old friends see him with new expensive cloths and a new car that he just bought. His old friends goes bananas over him and it becomes a feeding frenzy over Albus. A few hours later an old man finds Albus and calls 911. The ambulance came too late and Albus died. The circus was closed up since most of the performers were put in jail for killing an innocent man.

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